Monday, March 25, 2013

My Journey Starts NOW

I have been flirting with the idea of starting a blog. Not because I am a good writer, or because I want people to read about my life. I am starting this blog for me. . . This will be a journal for me as I start the road to getting back to being fit. So if your a snob about writing then don't read my blog! :)

I am 23. Married to the most wonderful guy. He happens to be a personal trainer. Aren't I lucky? Well yes, he eats healthy, works out a lot, etc. He also doesn't make me do anything I don't want too. When I first met Jared I was fresh out of High School. I remember being able to eat Taco Bell every Friday with my girlfriends and it didn't even phase me. Now- I feel as if the world has ended and am so mad at myself. I was probably to most- too skinny in HS, but I felt healthy and happy. I never made myself starve, I just worked out a lot and was always on the go. When I met Jared I was in really good shape and working out with him made me extremely lean. It wasn't that hard because I didn't have a lot of fat to loose.. just muscle to gain. 

Jared and I have been together for 5 years now. A lot of things have changed. I got busy with work and school. I currently work 40 hours and take 15 credits. Insane, but I know I am not the only one. I got comfortable, happy, and found a new love for food and alcohol. As soon as I got busy, working out became less important and food became comfort. 

Now, I am not by any means overweight.. I am 5'2 and 139 lbs. I am uncomfortable and my clothes are tight. . .
My husband and I talk a lot about getting myself back to where I am most happy. Nobody can make me do it but ME. I also have discovered that I need to want this. Now, more than ever.... I want this BAD. I miss who I used to be when I was in good shape. I was happy, confident, always smiling and never negative. I have to make a change.

SO- my journey begins today. I need cheerleaders. I'm not afraid to admit it. I will post every Monday and check in with where I am at..physically and emotionally. Here we goooooooooo!

My goal this week is to hit the Gym everyday. If I have learned anything about this struggle I am encountering, is to make small goals. Don't make goals that are impossible- It will only bring you down and make you feel like a failure if you don't complete it.
Please follow my blog and feel free to comment. I appreciate it all!

                            You are not what you have been told, you ARE what you BELIEVE.
