Monday, March 25, 2013

My Journey Starts NOW

I have been flirting with the idea of starting a blog. Not because I am a good writer, or because I want people to read about my life. I am starting this blog for me. . . This will be a journal for me as I start the road to getting back to being fit. So if your a snob about writing then don't read my blog! :)

I am 23. Married to the most wonderful guy. He happens to be a personal trainer. Aren't I lucky? Well yes, he eats healthy, works out a lot, etc. He also doesn't make me do anything I don't want too. When I first met Jared I was fresh out of High School. I remember being able to eat Taco Bell every Friday with my girlfriends and it didn't even phase me. Now- I feel as if the world has ended and am so mad at myself. I was probably to most- too skinny in HS, but I felt healthy and happy. I never made myself starve, I just worked out a lot and was always on the go. When I met Jared I was in really good shape and working out with him made me extremely lean. It wasn't that hard because I didn't have a lot of fat to loose.. just muscle to gain. 

Jared and I have been together for 5 years now. A lot of things have changed. I got busy with work and school. I currently work 40 hours and take 15 credits. Insane, but I know I am not the only one. I got comfortable, happy, and found a new love for food and alcohol. As soon as I got busy, working out became less important and food became comfort. 

Now, I am not by any means overweight.. I am 5'2 and 139 lbs. I am uncomfortable and my clothes are tight. . .
My husband and I talk a lot about getting myself back to where I am most happy. Nobody can make me do it but ME. I also have discovered that I need to want this. Now, more than ever.... I want this BAD. I miss who I used to be when I was in good shape. I was happy, confident, always smiling and never negative. I have to make a change.

SO- my journey begins today. I need cheerleaders. I'm not afraid to admit it. I will post every Monday and check in with where I am at..physically and emotionally. Here we goooooooooo!

My goal this week is to hit the Gym everyday. If I have learned anything about this struggle I am encountering, is to make small goals. Don't make goals that are impossible- It will only bring you down and make you feel like a failure if you don't complete it.
Please follow my blog and feel free to comment. I appreciate it all!

                            You are not what you have been told, you ARE what you BELIEVE.



  1. I will be your cheerleader, your workout partner and friend who will help motivate you and push you to reach your goals! I've been in your shoes. It's tough not feeling really comfortable in your own skin! I know you can do it though! Just takes a lot of hard work, passing up and saying no to fun, yummy and tempting things but in the's totally worth it!

    You can do this! I'm here for you! :) LOVES!!!

  2. You amaze me every day with the person that you are! You WILL accomplish this goal, why? Because you said you would!!! Even if it's just 30 minutes a day, you'll have more energy and feel more confident... We both know the hardest part is getting to the gym haha....

    I can't wait to see what you can do, LOVE YOU!

  3. You know I will always love you no matter what. I just want you to find happiness with yourself and your weight. I've seen you do amazing things when you put your mind to it and if you make your healthy journey a priority then you will definitely get to your goal weight. This isn't about weight loss but to get healthier and in return you will lose weight. Don't try to do to much at once, go with one meal at a time and one day at a time.

    Going to the gym is the hardest part but I know once you scan in then you will work your butt off, I see it when we go together. I will gladly workout with you during the weekends. Find classes that you enjoy and cardio when you can't make it to them. Put a schedule together and put it in your phone or your calendar. When you see it, your more liable to do it.

    I will be here for you every step of the way, I love you!!


  4. Nothing great was ever accomplished without enthusiasm. Git-R-done!
