Monday, April 1, 2013

60 Day Challenge!!

It's April 1st, which means two things, It's April fools and my 60 day challenge starts today... Normally I would make an excuse and say...welllll its April fools so I can't possibly start today. NOPE. Not going to happen. I have been waiting for April to get here since I signed up for this challenge.

What is this challenge I speak of? 
                                                    SEXY BACK IN 60!!! 
Lori Harder is one of many things:
Personal Trainer/Nutritional Consultant
Oxygen Cover Model
Ms Bikini Universe
Ms Bikini America
Ms Figure America
Who would not want that body, right??? Amazing. Well anyway, she does a 60 day challenge and it consists of 3 personal training workouts a week, meal plans for the week, a personal Facebook page with the current members doing the challenge with you and she also holds two live phone calls a month. It is such an amazing program and I am so excited for it.

I hesitated signing up because I don't want to fail...but the responses I got from starting my blog were so motivating. I received over 400 views, people at my work came to me for advice and thanked me, I had people reach out to me from High School, people from my hometown of Bandon Oregon... I even had a couple teachers message me telling me how brave I was. The support has brought many smiles to my face, so I thank each of you who read this blog. Now that everyone knows my plan- I REALLY have to stick with it...yikes! Just kidding, this is the motivation I needed.

I want to make clear that I don't think I overweight...but I certainly do not have the toned body I want. This program is directed towards that. Its a lifestyle change and you have to want it! Here are a couple photos of people who followed through with the program.

The results are so AWESOME! 

I take my before picture tonight-which I of course have anxiety about sharing..but I know that in the end it will be worth it! I have spent two summers avoiding any activity that involved the word: SWIMSUIT. I am not going to hide anymore. Its time to be that confident Danielle I once was. 

I want to thank my husband for supporting me through this journey... I also want to thank everyone for being so encouraging and supportive through this. It means a lot. I can't thank everyone individually because  I don't even know who actually views my blog...but hearing from you means a lot. 

Checking in every Monday seems a little much..I don't want people to get bored of me or annoyed! So I think I will post every other Monday :)

I may not look like Lori Harder in 60 days ........

BUT- It will happen eventually... You have to want it.... and I do!!! 
Here I goooooooooooo



  1. I think you should post every Monday!!! If people don't want to read weekly, then they don't have to :) But for those of us happily following along, we want updates!!

  2. You'll look better than all of them, D. Remember, this is about the rest of your life, not just the next 60 days. It's about how you live. Your natural beauty is what you want to reveal. Michelangelo remarked that he sought to free the body within the marble. That's your goal, too. Go, baby!
