Monday, April 15, 2013

Cheers to week 3!! (with a protein shake of course..)

                                                        CHEERS TO WEEK 3!
I have officially made it to week 3! I am starting to see a change in my body but its been a slow process. I am one of the people who wants results over night...yeah, that doesn't happen. . . I have been working out like a maniac and I am extremely sore...about 80% of the time, which leads me to the picture below.


People have been asking me what I am eating and what my gym routine is. . .
I am supposed to eat 5 times a day... and that is a challenge for me. Basically it goes something like this...
Meal 1- Protein.Fruit.Starch.Big glass of water, tea, or lemon water
Meal 2-Protein.Good Fat. Fruit or veggie. water, tea or lemon water
Meal 3- Protein. Veggie. Starch. Water
Meal 4- Protein. veggie or fruit. Water
Meal 5- Protein.Veggie. Starch. Good fat. Water
(I do Isagenix protein shakes as a meal replacement as well.)
Proteins that I have are- a shake, egg whites, turkey, shrimp, whey protein, salmon, tuna, etc.ree Greek yogurt,chicken.
Starches- small sized whole wheat tortilla,1 cup butternut squash, 1/2 cup couscous, 1 slice Ezekiel bread
Fruits- small apple, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, kiwi, whole grapefruit I tend to stick to those for now because they are on the Low-Glycemic Index)
Veggies- Green Beans, Broccoli, Spinach, Asparagus, Romaine lettuce, cucumbers, mushrooms, Garlic, celery, endive, peppers, onions, etc.
Good Fats- 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp sesame oil, 1 tbsp coconut oil, 1/2 small avocado, 1 tbsp all natural peanut butter, 20 almonds, 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds.
I am starting to cook dinner more and I use recipes from my coaches cook book. 
                                               Busy Girl Healthy Life Cookbook

My workouts are pretty intense. To me.. someone who used to workout all the time and then completely stopped..... 
I do my coaches workouts 3 times a week. They incorporate cardio and lifting. I am dripping in sweat when I am finished. It hurts so good! I also do cardio the other 4 days. Lori gives me 3 workouts and they consist of about 10 circuits. So it takes me around a hour to complete it so far. Week 1 you do the circuits 3 times. Week 2 you do them 4 time through. Week 3 you go back to 3 times through and week 4 you finish with 4 times though. THEN next month I will be given a new set of workouts. . . So my weeks look like this.. 
Monday- Workout 1 with Cardio.
Tuesday-Cardio(45 minutes)
Wednesday- Workout 2
Thursday-Cardio(45 minutes)
Friday-(off day)
Saturday-Workout 3
stretch stretch stretchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

So my life pretty much consists of work, working out, school, spending the little time I have with my husband, and sleep. I loveeeeeeeee my sleep. Because I am really working my booty off.... you can find me in bed by 830/9 on the weekdays and I am not ashamed of that. .  

This has been a total lifestyle change for me..... I am so lucky that my husband loves fitness so much and he is so encouraging  I am also grateful that he never pushed me...I married a personal trainer but he doesn't tell me what to do and that is a great husband. Now that I want this more than ever he is right by my side helping me... I love you J. 

So... my challenge this week is to get through the circuits 4 times through. I have only been able to do 3 times through... so this week I am going to kick some ASS! 
Thanks again for everyone who is excited for me... you have really helped me get though these past two weeks. 

So cheers to week 3!!! Anyone who needs a workout partner and goes to 24 hour... just let me know...I would love to put you through one of my workouts :) 


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